You’ll need to read through most of “The End of the Remedial Course” (The Chronicle of Higher Education) before you get to this golden nugget: As the debate over developmental education swirls around them, faculty members in the trenches say they’re tired of being blamed for low completion rates of
Continue reading »Protect Dev Ed!
The Partnership for College Completion, through their friendly-sounding “Illinois Equity in Attainment Initiative (ILEA),” wants you to believe that students are more likely to succeed if they are given fewer opportunities to do so. We’re not buying it. And we’re not accepting any new friend requests. ILEA has proposed legislation that,
Continue reading »CICS Teachers On Strike!
Teachers on the line — for students, for a fair contract. CICS… is sitting on a $36 million surplus is paying rock-bottom wages wants to eliminate paid parental leave ALL OF THE ABOVE! It doesn’t add up, does it?
Continue reading »How To Avoid a Strike
Make sure management understands we’re serious about going on strike. Give the bosses every reason to believe that a strike is not only possible but inevitable if they continue to stall, prevaricate, and operate under the false assumption that all this strike business is just posturing, which it isn’t. Meet
Continue reading »Past is Present, Future History
Beware an easy, casual relationship with buzzwords like equity and social justice, which can sometimes mask a deeper racist orientation.
Continue reading »Strike-Ready Zen!
Follow up and follow through Stillness in action, action in stillness Less for idea, more for people Beyond hope and fear, right action Open up to the mystery Be the act Explore ways to reach one another Consciousness (now) determines the future No problems, only situations Focus on one thing
Continue reading »All Eyes on Springfield: Teach Out for IL Higher Ed (Apr 27, 2017)
Crowds from across Illinois traveled to Springfield on April 27 to demonstrate their frustration with Gov. Bruce Rauner’s policies and express how the budget impasse has been affecting them. Those that attended included faculty, staff, and students from colleges, universities, and unions all over Illinois. Read more here. And thanks to
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Disaster collaps-italism at its worst. It’s impossible to examine state higher education finances in 2016 without separating the collapse in Illinois from a more nuanced picture across the rest of the country. State and local support for higher education in Illinois plunged as the state’s lawmakers and governor were unable
Continue reading »City Colleges has paid $3 million for bus shuttle with few riders – Chicago Tribune
Since the buses started running in August 2014, City Colleges’ intercampus shuttle service has provided about 27,000 rides in a system that enrolls 120,000 students a year. Considering the amount spent on the program, that would equal about $112 for each ride, paid for by taxpayers. Read the full article.
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